Where to Use the Light Side Old Republic Toons in SWGOH

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is set to bring back their first Ancient Legendary Event, and people are PUMPED! Players who didn’t unlock Jedi Knight Revan are now gearing up their Old Republic characters to ensure they get him this go around. Many are so focused on unlocked the ancient hero that they aren’t looking at where else to use the Old Republic toons.

The Ancient Legacy Event

Let’s face it: most people just want Jedi Knight Revan. And who can blame them. He is an amazing toon, but so are all the other legendary characters. What do players needs to unlock the Lord of the Sith? They will need to start off by having all the first wave OR characters unlocked to 7*. This includes Bastilla, Jolee, Mission, Zaalbar, and T3-M4. If you don’t have these characters at least close to 7*, or a massive stockpile of crystals, then you might not get JKR this go around.

Additionally, all of these characters will need to be level 85 and havea minimum of gear 7. Gear 9 is recommending, but if the Gods of RNG are with you, you may be able to pull off a victory with a hodgpodge of gear levels.

Anything lower than gear level 9, and I recommend that your Old Republic toons have your very best mods.

What About After the Event?

After the event, you’re going to gear Jedi Knight Revan, mod him out, and throw on all your zetas. You don’t need all his zetas unlocked, but if you have any level of OCD, then you’ll go nuts if you don’t do it. But what about the rest of the Old Republic toons? Where else can you use them? For the time being, I want to focus on where we can use the light side OR characters. As the game develops and the Old Republic tag sees more action, I will add the Dark Side characters as well.

Let’s break that down now.

Bastilla Shan & Jolee Bindo

Bastilla Shan (non-emo Bastilla) and Jolee Bindo are pretty dang good on just about any Jedi team. Paired with Grand Master Yoda (GMY) and Hermit Yoda (Hoda) Bastilla can do just about anything she wants, any where she wants. As a leader, she is still a decent lead in Arena, although JKR is your best bet for sure.

Jolee Bindo is a great support character and makes the current Revan meta in Arena that much more potent. Both Jolee and Bastilla can also do some serious damage in the Sith Triumverate Raid (STR) with the right team. On the right combo, they can do massive amounts of damage in phase 1 and phase 2.

Mission Vao & Zaalbar

Like Bastilla and Jolee, Mission Vao and Zaalbar are kind of a package deal. If you went through as much crap as I did trying to level Mission to 7 star, then the last thing you want to do is bench her. But where to use them. If you are still running Heroic Rancor, these two do some solid damage under a Darth Vader lead. Both are able to throw on some serious Damage Over Time Debuffs and are effective at staying alive.

What’s nice about these two is not only do they carry the OR tag, but they also have the Scoundrel tag. This allows them to participate in any event geared towards the scoundrels. It also allows them to benefit from any Scoundrel leadership. I’ve seen these two dominate as a 3×3 defensive squad under a Qi’ra leadership. Now, the image that I saw had both Mission and Zaalbar zeta’d and gear 12. So that also might have something to do with it.


T3 is kind of the odd man out, if you can say that about a droid. He is effective on droid teams, but since we don’t really have a droid meta, it’s hard to say where he will be the most beneficial to players. Currently, he’s does well on the right droid attack team in Grand Arena. Under a Jawa lead, he can also be effective. Even with all his abilities maxed, I just think he’s a little to squishy for a defensive squad in GA. That is until HK-47 gets his rework. Then all bets are off.

This has been my very breif look at where else I think these toons are useful. Where have you found the best place to use the Old Republic toons is? Leave a comment in the section below.