Is Darth Anakin Coming to SWGOH in 2019?

If you look at the pattern for the Hero’s Journey’s in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, you see a character moving from one stage of their existence to another. We first look at Luke as he moves from farm boy to commander. Then we see Rey as she moves from scavenger to Jedi in training. In each, we see the one character take a step towards their final progression. So who could we see Capital Games choosing as their next Heroes Journey focus? All of the evidence points to Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth (Anakin) Vader.

Hero’s Journey Requirements

The most important thing for a SWGOH Heroes Journey to even be able to take place is a character whose story takes them from one place to another already in the game and for a hero’s journey to have taken place in the greater universe. This automatically limits the number of potential candidates in the game drastically. The in-game characters would by definition need to be the pre-journey type. This would by definition eliminate characters like Ezra Bridger and Jedi Knight Revan from the running because they are both in their final forms.

This would also eliminate characters like Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Ahsoka Tano as there are already final versions of them in the game. We could also exclude Jyn Erso because her final form would be dust.

Leia would be the only other character on the light side who could take a hero’s journey, but since most of her grandest moments are outside of the films, it’s unlikely that would take place.

So it’s more likely that we will see a Hero’s fall to the darkside than the typical journey.

Hero’s Fall Characters or Villains Journey

There are only a few characters who could fall into this category: Anakin Skywalker and Darth Maul. Anakin is the obvious choice since he is the main focus of the prequel films, and people have been wanting a dark side Anakin for some time. He fits the profile of a character who needs to take a step towards his final progression.

The only other dark side character who would fit this description would be Darth Maul. Maul’s story is rich and full of awesomeness. Maul is also a character with a large fan-base who would love to see more of him in the game. With his time in Star Wars Rebels and his cameo in Solo: a Star Wars Story, it would be easy to see him as a candidate for a Villain’s Journey.

What stops me from thinking we will see Maul is that we still haven’t seen how his story plays out. There’s no way that Disney and Lucas film will let Capital Games reveal such a pivotal story point in a mobile game before they let it play out in a movie, a book, TV show, or even a comic.

Assaj Ventress: The Wild Card

The only other character that I could see taking a journey of any kind would be Assaj Ventress. We already have a really powerful Assaj in game. But her story is far from being told. Assaj was a Jedi who fell to the dark side, a Separatist who became a bounty hunter, and a bounty hunter who was eventually redeemed by a Jedi.

But since all of this plays out outside of the main canon, I doubt that’s what we will see.

So that Just leaves us with Anakin.

Clone Wars Focus

We know that Capital Games has a Clone Wars rework on the horizon. They have teased us with a General Grievous rework, telling us that one is coming, but that it wasn’t going to take place in 2018. And there’s no way that they are going to rework General Grievous without reevaluating the Separatist faction at the same time. And if they are going to rework the Seps, why wouldn’t they give a little love to the rest of the Clone Wars era toons?

Many of the Jedi and a few of the Clone Troopers are in dire need of reworks. And all of this leaves out the fact that we are finally going to get a finally to the much-loved Clone Wars cartoon with the anticipated season 7. Not only does this mean we could be getting characters from that, but it also means that Capital Games is likely to try and capitalize on the hype the show brings with it.

I mean, it’s almost like free advertising.

Support Toons for the Event

The final piece of the puzzle is that any hero’s or villain’s journey is going to need additional characters to help them reach their goal. Anakin Skywalker already has enough toons in game to help him reach his final identity as Darth Anakin Vader. We have Clones, Jedi, Padawan Ahsoka, General Kenobi, and even Emperor Palpatine.

It seems like everything is in place for an event to focus around Anakin. The only thing Capital Games would need to do is create the art, build the sets (which many would already be in the game), develop the hype.

So it becomes less of a question as to if they are going to give Anakin Skywalker a Villain’s Journey and more of a question as to when they are going to launch it. I think we will see it no later than Capital Games’ first fiscal quarter of 2019 which begins in April. But what do you think? Leave a comment in the section below.