The Flash Recap S3 E04 “The New Rogues” (Spoilers Ahead)

In this week’s episode of The Flash, Barry lets Jesse help him fight a new meta-human who can travel through mirrors. While “Mirror Master” teams up with an old partner to find Leonard Snart, Jesse disobeys an order from Barry, and it doesn’t end well at all.

Important Things to Know Going Into This Week’s Episode

Dr. Wells and Jesse from Earth-2 are back on Earth-1, and Jesse now has super speed. It appears that we’ll get to see her working alongside with Barry this week. Hopefully, Wally can get over the fact that he doesn’t have speed, as he watches these two fight.

Speaking of Wally, let’s not forget that he was Kid Flash in Flashpoint, and that other Flashpoint meta-humans have been getting their powers back from Dr. Alchemy. It seems like it’s only a matter of time before we see Wally receive his kid Flash powers again, let’s just hope that when it does happen, he won’t fight against Barry.

I’m still waiting for Cisco’s role as Vibe to get bigger. We’ve seen that he is capable of channeling his powers in an absolutely awesome way. I think, eventually, we’ll get to see Cisco fighting alongside Barry (and maybe Wally and Jesse?). With every week, I feel that is getting even closer, so I am very excited about seeing where it goes.

The Biggest Moments in this Week’s episode (SPOILERS!)

1. They brought Snart back!

Even though it was just a flashback, and he’s still technically dead as a result of his destruction of the Time Lords, it was nice to see Wentworth Miller back in the DC television world playing Leonard Snart/Captain Cold.

2. Joe has a love interest?

These shows can often fall into the trap of only featuring the main 2 or 3 characters, especially when it concerns their lives outside of saving the day. I hope we’ll get to see more of Joe’s day-to-day life this season. And, I really hope he is able to develop a relationship with Cecile.

3. Finding a new Harrison Wells:

This answers my long-standing question about how Tom Cavanagh will remain a main character throughout this season. Earth-2 Wells obviously is going to go home, and take Jesse with him (poor Jesse and Wally), so the team decides to find a new Harrison Wells. But then “Harry” gets ridiculously weird about choosing a replacement.

4. Awkward Barry and Iris:

This is easily one of my favorite subplots on this show. Barry and Iris’ relationship has always been fun to watch, but seeing Barry (and Joe) be really awkward around each other when it comes to the relationship was absolutely hilarious! It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, especially considering how Joe had tried to get Barry to go for it with Iris for so long, but it was definitely entertaining nevertheless.

5. Caitlin’s powers!

That weird mist we saw a few weeks ago was apparently the onset of Caitlin getting powers similar to her Earth-2 doppelganger “Killer Frost”, and that’s freaking awesome! We get to see this as she uses her powers to freeze the mirror to help Barry be able to phase through it. Is she able to control her powers, though?

Bonus: Jesse and Barry save the day:

Caitlin’s powers warranted an extra moment to highlight from this episode. Jesse and Barry figuring out exactly how to beat the exact same meta-humans that beat them earlier in the episode was awesome! It was the perfect way to show their progress and to highlight Jesse’s ability to learn as she comes close to the end of her training with Barry.

My Speculation of the week:

They seem to really be building up the Jesse-Wally romance, and I do think the actors have great chemistry. Maybe something in the season will allow them to be together more permanently. Maybe the huge crossover with the other DC shows next month will have something to do with that story line. It would definitely be interesting, to say the least.

The Flash airs on The CW on Tuesdays. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this episode.