Battle for Azeroth: For the Horde

In my first week of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth I made my return to the Horde. My first goal was to reach the new max level of 120 while playing through the main story arch. I’ll be going over the Horde setting (don’t worry, it’ll be spoiler free), as well as the overall experience through the Horde lens.

Revving up for Battle

Upon my arrival, I met with a Horde divided. While many were anxious to take the fight to the Alliance once again, others were reeling from the events leading into Battle for Azeroth. The city of Orgrimmar was humming with those chanting “For the Horde,” as well as #NotMyWarchief! Some saw the burning of Teldrassil by Sylvanas Windrunner as a villainous act. Others viewed it as a moment of victory for the Horde. Either way, the war had begun. In order to win, the Horde would need allies.

Under orders from the warchief, our journey would take us to the troll empire of Zandalar. It is there, in the oldest city on Azeroth, that we must convince their king to bolster our forces. The Zandalari navy would be needed in order to achieve victory over the Alliance.

Sights and Sounds of Zandalar

The island nation of Zandalar is divided into three main regions, each with vastly different landscapes. The rolling dunes of Vol’dun make the desert of Tanaris look like an oversized sandbox, while the murky swamps of Nazmir and the lush jungles of Zuldazar are astounding. Dazar’alur, the capital of Zandalar, is a vast city surrounding an enormous pyramid. The entirety of Zandalar is a absolutely beautiful.

The storyline is just as intricate as the landscape. Throughout Zandalar, we’re met with constant attacks by outside forces. In addition, we find that not every threat to the island kingdom is external. As we seek to gain the trust of the Zandalari throne, the war between the Alliance and Horde is heating up. We must also take to Kul Tiras to prevent the legendary navy from rejoining the alliance.

Is Battle for Azeroth Worth Playing?

While the Horde story arch is intriguing and fun to play through, it seems somewhat disconnected from the overall events in Azeroth. This results in a heavy reliance on the War Campaign to remind us that we are again in conflict with the Alliance. Detachment aside, the story, sights, and sounds of Battle for Azeroth are incredible. The new War Campaign also adds options for getting involved in the war by players of all gaming styles, be they PvE, PvP, or Role-playing. Additionally, with the return of open world PvP through the new War Mode, the Battle for Azeroth undeniably feels more real.

Overall, I’ve enjoyed my time with Battle for Azeroth. I would definitely say it is one of my favorite expansions to date. What are your experiences so far? How does Battle for Azeroth compare to the rest of World of Warcraft? Drop a comment in the section below. Until next time, we’ll see you in Azeroth.