Will the OT Falcon be a Mythic Raid Reward?

SWGOH Speculation

On Friday, SB_Crumb gave the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes community his greatest puzzle to date. It involved a parsec star guage, a fake forum account, and an epic crossword puzzle that took the most ambitious of us nearly 24 full hours to uncover it’s secretes. And at the end of it all, we discovered that something many of us already knew: the fastest ship in the galaxy is coming, again. But could the OT Falcon be coming in the form of a mythic raid reward?

I’ve been harping on this since nearly August when a leaked bit of information surfaced in the community outlining the quarter to come. At first, most people just dismissed the information. But as time passed, more and more of it proved to be true. It’s last predictions, that which should have taken place in Decemeber, was the addition of the OT Falcon to the game.

SWGOH Leaked Image

Since most of the items on the list weren’t linked, most of us assumed these two weren’t linked as well. But with everything that we’ve seen so far, it’s very possible that one could lead to the other.

But Didn’t Capital Games already Say it was Legendary?

No. No they didn’t. As of this post, the only thing that anyone from Capital Games has either confirmed or denied is that the OT Falcon is the answer to the puzzle. No other information has been posted. (As this changes, I will update this post)

CG_EVS_469 is the master puzzler who helped SB_Crumb create the most epic puzzle ever.

But what do you think? Is it too much to hope for that holotable heroes don’t have to panic farm all bounty hunter ships? Or are we likely to get the game’s 3rd Millennium Falcon as SWGOH’s 1st Legendary ship event…that isn’t a capital ship, at least.