What’s the Real Problem with Ralph Breaks the Internet?

Ralph Breaks the Internet is a fun movie, with a great cast, funny moments, and memorable scenes. There is only one problem with the film: the story. With a few exceptions, this makes the sequel feel very much like the original. Ralph Breaks the Internet follows the same pattern that its predecessor followed.

A character wants more than what their current life offers, so they leave what’s comfortable in search of more. After a series of misadventures, the character finds what they are looking for. But a problem from earlier in the film pops back up and threatens to ruin everything. One character’s sacrifice makes everything okay and the movie has a happy ending.

Seem familiar.

I just described both movies. The only real different betweenthe first and second is the relationship between Ralph and Venellope. That relationship makes the ending feel more like a single parent taking an only child to college. Other than that, the story plays out similarly to original. That’s not to say that it’s not a good movie. It’s fun and something people with kids should go see. But from a critical standpoint, Ralph Breaks the Internet feels like it didn’t live up to what it could have been.

Ralph Breaks the internet seems to suffer the same fate that all sequels suffer: it doesn’t outshine the original. It’s the Die Harder of the Die Hard series. On it’s face, that is a pretty harsh critique. But in reality, it puts in perspective just how good the original was. Wreck it Ralph was nostalgic, funny, and emotional. It was just as good for kids as it was for adults; it may have even had more meaning for adults.

Just try not to cry when Ralph, holding his medal and reciting the villain’s mantra, tries to sacrifice himself for Venellope and company. That gets me in the feels every time!

“I’m bad, and that’s good. I will never be good, and that’s not bad. There’s no one I’d rather be than me.” -Wreck it Ralph

Advice for Movie Goers

So when your kids drag you to see Ralph Breaks the Internet, here’s what you need to do: lower your expectations. If you loved the first one, just know that you will probably just like the second. And that’s okay. It’s a fun movie to like. If you go in with no expectations, you might come out with a positive outlook.

Final Score

Overall Score: B-

Humor: C+

Easter Eggs: A+

Acting: A+

Music: B+ (Venellope’s princess song is DOPE!)

Story: C