SWGOH Speculation: Final KOTOR Toons Incoming!

Speculation abounds in Stat Wars Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). After each new event, rework, or small information leak, players go crazy wondering what’s next. Can players expect that the final KOTOR toons to arrive later this month? Two years ago, February became the month of Sith with the introduction of Darth Nihilus. Last year, it was reinforced with addition of Traya, Darth Sion, and the Sith Triumverate raid. Capital Games has assured us that this February, it’s the month of the Dark Side. But is this a ruse? A red herring? An elaborate desception? In short: yes, probably. Let’s look at the breadcrumbs left by EA and CG and figure out just who is coming to holotable rosters.

Part one of the two part series goes over what clues we have seen that might be leading us away from the truth. Could it be Hondo? Maybe a Territory Battle map? These are all possible.

Hints of KOTOR

In the above video, I presented a screenshot of “leaked” information. This image appeared back in August and players have been abuzz about it. While not everything from the image has come to pass, most of it has. This makes me think that the items we didn’t get were not merely misguessed, but rescheduled. This is evident as we have now seen the General Grievous rework just a few months after it was expected.

Additional “Hints”

But this wasn’t the only “leaked” bit of information that has come from the darker corners of the internet. Back in January, we saw an image from a Discord server that showed us that not only was Grievous to be reworked in February, but we would also see more Separatist. Additionally, the leaked suggested we would be getting our Dark Side Revan added to the game. This would be in keeping with Juhani and Carth. These last two Old Republic toons should drop sometime in the next week or two.

But this isn’t the only time we’ve seen changes around these characteres.

A few months ago, the devs introduce a change in HK-47’s stance. He went from a slightly crouching posture to a more rigid one. This is a very small change, but we took notice. When asked whether or not this was a signal that the murder droid’s rework was imminent, they said no. But they lie. Not out of maliciousness, but to keep things from becoming stale. (You can’t really fault them for that). But they did adjust his code to adjust his posture. So it’s not unreasonable to think they may have made other chances.

What do you think? Has Capital Games and EA created an elaborate ruse to fool people into thinking that Darth Revan, HK-47 and other KOTOR toons aren’t coming in February? Is this just wishful thinking or are we going to get a dark side emphasis in the game this month? Leave a comment in the section below.