SWGOH Meta Counter Nerf: Why, Capital Games? Why?

Another Nev Rage!

Who at CG made the executive decision to nerf some of the better-known off-meta counters? I really want to know because right now the matchmaking and reboot of TW is throwing up some scary issues that need resolving and I wanna know who is to blame! We should know so we can at least request that person not be in charge of the implementation of any future changes (oh God don’t let it be GAC)

Its not crumb or Dojas fault. they are the go-between for the community and CG.

The ire of the community needs to be directed at someone and I don’t think it’s fair that Crumb and Doja get the brunt of it.

Step forward Sir/Madam and accept responsibility for your actions! just a short post on the forum: “Hey guys it was me. Sorry I messed up and I won’t do it again” that’s not hard!

  • -Increase the offense time from 24 hours to 36 hours in TW.
  • -Reverse the nerfs to ALL, yes ALL off-meta counters because 50 GL’s facing 100 GL’s is quite honestly a joke! Its not fair. It’s not balanced and it most certainly is not healthy for the game.
  • -Reduce the number of squads required in each territory by at least 20%

Do you want guilds at each other throat CG? because that’s what’s happening in some corners of the community. You dangled a carrot and now the guild leaders are wielding the stick! Participate or else find another guild! That’s all on you CG! You created this climate.

Do you want a balanced, fair, and healthy game? Good so does the community but you got a funny way of showing it after the shit you’ve pulled since the nerfs!

Nev rage over!