SWGOH: How Chirpatine Works

When my guild first started the AAT Tank Raid, I did a bunch of research as to who the best team was. I discovered that my Ewok team that did so well in the Rancor raid was not going to cut it against the likes of Grievous and the rest of the Separatists. While I kept trying and failing at putting together the best team, I kept hearing about Chirpatine.

During Phase III of the AAT Tank Raid, Palpatine can do some serious damage with Chief Chirpa as the lead. While all the posts I read talked about the details for this team, it took me some time before I realized exactly how this team works. What all the posts I read didn’t have was details as to why it worked so well.

What I want this post to do is talk about why the Chirpatine team works and how it works.

Chirpatine Team Setup

For this team to be effective, you need to have your characters as a high a level possible and as highly geared as possible. You also need to have some pretty solid mods for each character. The lower the level, the lower the gear, and the crappier the mods, the less effective this team becomes. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying it out.

To start off, you need Chief Chirpa to be your lead. His leader ability allows all ewok allies 20% turn meter gain and deal 10% more damage whenever they perform a basic attack. Now, this ability is halved for non-Ewok allies. That means every time Palpatine uses his basic attack he gets 10% more turn meter than he normally would. Aside from his leader ability, Chirpa can grant allies energy recovery and speed up, which helps in this process.

The next important character to have on the team is Stormtrooper Han. As early as you can, use his Draw Fire ability. This make all enemies attack Han and grants 30% turn meter to all allies. Each time an attack lands against Han, all other allies gain 20% turn meter.

Now, STH is one of at least two tanks you’re going to want for this event.  You’re going to also need Royal Guard for his taunting ability. Three tanks work best, but if you only have STH and the RG, it can still work. I usually use STH, RG, and Ewok Elder. EE has synergy with Chirpa and can dispel negative effects, heal, and bring people back to life. I’ve seen this team run with Sun Fac, as well.

How Chirpatine Works

The first thing you need to do is have Han use his Draw Fire ability. As this happens, make sure to have everyone but Palpatine attack the B2 Rocket droid. Palpatine should use his basic attack on each one of the B1 battle droids. The idea is to shock the battle droids, stunning them. Palpatine gains 15% turn meter for each shocked enemy. If Palpatine attacks but doesn’t shock the droids, retreat and try again. Palpatine will need to stun each B1 droid for this to work effectively. Do not use his other two abilities yet.

Once all the droids are stunned, Palpatine will be free to attack the Rocket droid. Continue to use his basic attack against the B2. With the other droids stunned, each time he attacks, Palpatine will have 100% turn meter, allowing him to keep attacking. His damage will range between 6628 and 7324 for non-crit damage and upwards of 12,000 for critical hits.

During this time, the B2 Rocket droid will still be attacking, but he will only attack STH. Once STH gets to below 50% health, Royal guard will taunt, pulling B2’s fire. It may happen that STH’s taunt wears off before it triggers the RG’s taunt. If that is the case, it is likely that he will attack Palpatine. Don’t freak out as you watch his health drop. RG will eventually taunt.

The video below will show you an example of how I run my team during this event.


So what are some other teams that you use during the AAT Tank Raid and how have you faired with them? Check out our YouTube channel for more videos like this. Leave a comment in the description below.