Agents of SHIELD S4 E17 & 18 Recap (Spoilers Ahead)

Somehow I forgot that there was a new episode of Agents of Shield last week, so this post will cover two weeks of Daisy and Simmons’ journey through the alternate reality created by Aida. In these episodes they meet the leader of the resistance, and they continue fighting against Hydra.

Important Things to Know Going Into These Episodes

Everything is different in this alternate world that Daisy and Simmons have gone to. Hydra is in charge, and everybody from the team is pro-Hydra, and anti-Inhuman. May and Fitz are high ranking officials under Aida at Hydra, Coulson is preaching the Propaganda in schools. Ward is a part of the Resistance, and a double-agent at Hydra, Coulson may be coming to the new side, it’s madness! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the team is up to.

The Biggest Moments in Identity and Change (17) & No Regrets(18) (SPOILERS!)

1. Coulson, Mack, and Mace:

The first section of “Identity and Change”, we get to see what is going on with these three in the “Framework”. Coulson is revealed to be a conspiracy theorist, who is now fully intent on working with the Resistance. Mack is living a normal life with his adorable daughter. He seems to be very focused on teaching his daughter, but the two of them do have a bit of anti-Hydra fun. Mace is the leader of the Resistance, and is one of the only remaining links to SHIELD.

During their mission, Simmons continues to remind Coulson of his experiences as director of SHIELD. She also has some conversations with Ward. This made me realize that this is the creators’ way of restoring Ward’s reputation. This has been something that many fans have wanted since his betrayal in season 1. It seemed that it would never happen when Ward “died” and turned into Hive. It seemed even less likely when Hive and Lincoln flew into the sun at the end of Season 3.

Their mission leads them to Radcliffe who explains that Aida inserted herself into the Framework, and that she has been changing everything since. He also explains that both he and Agnes are living in the framework as consciousness only. They are both officially dead, Agnes due to her disease, and Radcliffe killed by Aida. Later, after they return to the Resistance, Mack is brought in, and reveals what has happened to Daisy.

2.Hydra, and it’s Terrible Leaders:

We get to see a lot of the actions of Aida, Fitz, May, and Daisy/Skye as Hydra tracks down potential Inhumans, enemies of the group, and Simmons. Simmons is a part of a very targeted investigation led by May, with Daisy tagging along, even if unwillingly. Through the course of their investigation, Mack and his daughter are brought in to Hydra. This turns out to be a trap, by May, to uncover Daisy’s secret.

Hydra ends up tracking Ward, Simmons, and Coulson when they go to visit Radcliffe, and things get a little crazy. Simmons and Aida show up, and they threaten Radcliffe and Agnes. Simmons has to beg Ward to not kill Fitz, as they need him alive to complete their mission. Fits eventually kills Agnes, which causes Simmons to scream, giving the good guys very little time to escape. Later, we see Fitz come in to Daisy’s cell and declare that she has tested positive as an Inhuman.

We see Fitz interrogating Daisy in the second episode. You can tell that he is beginning to understand, and maybe accept, that this world is fake, but he also seems to be possibly the most brainwashed by Aida of anyone in this planet. We saw in the previous episode that he knows about the other world, but he believes that one is fake. He may very well be the key to changing all of this.

3. Simmons Reveals Reality:

Simmons tries to explain the real world to Mace and Ward, and they won’t have any of it. Ward, naturally, wouldn’t be able to understand, as he is actually a part of the Framework. Mace was possibly the most important to have understand. He has more in-Framework power than anyone besides Fitz. Mack also probably won’t accept the truth, as it would mean the end of his daughter, and the others are a part of Hydra. It is going to be a wildly uphill battle to figure out a way out of the Framework.

When Simmons meets Mack, you can see the pain on her face, as she realizes what returning to reality will mean. It’s the lesson that should have come to her when Mace reveals his “history”. Earlier in the season, we saw Radcliffe want to return to the Framework almost as if it were a drug. When the team gets out of this, there will be some serious issues that they have to deal with. Even if their Framework lives aren’t what they actually want, they are still a live intended to be perfect for them.

4. Radcliffe’s Reveal:

Daisy becomes the last character to learn of Fitz’ execution of Agnes. Radcliffe reveals it to her in a touching moment when they come to an understanding of what is happening in the Framework, and how to escape it. As Radcliffe and Daisy speak, they end up bonding, and Radcliffe decides to tell Daisy how to find the “backdoor”. I’m not sure how Daisy will get out and return to real world, but it is going to be awesome to see.

Elsewhere, Hydra confronts the Resistance at a Hydra prison. Here, we see the team try to save people in a prison, meet Trip, and try to save the lives of children, when Fitz orders that the prison be hit by a missile. This ultimately ends to the death of Jeffrey Mace, in the Framework, and in real life. You can actually see real-world Aida react to this, and it really hurts. Even if he wasn’t quite as loved as the main cast. I liked having his character around, while he was there.

The ending of the episode shows May give Daisy the terrigenesis treatment. I personally can’t wait to get a little bit of Quake in the framework. I also think this will be a great way to bring May back to the good side. Hopefully they bring Radcliffe along.

Ryan’s Speculation of the week:

The inclusion of Trip was awesome to see! Back in his stint on the show from the back half of season 1 to the first half of season 2 he was one of my favorites. His death was one of the hardest ones for me to see, so I love that he is back. Between that, and having Ward be on the good side, it seams like the creators are trying to include a lot of tie-ins to things that people haven’t liked in the course of the show. My guess is we could see any number of things from a return of Lincoln to an alternate version of Bobbi and Hunter. I’m not sure what we’ll see, but I have no doubt that it will be interesting for long-time fans.

Agents of SHIELD airs on ABC on Tuesdays. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this episode.