Star Wars Theories Debunked by Rogue One

It’s been less than a day since I sat down to watch Rogue One, but my mind has not shut off about what the first spin-off movie means for the greater universe. I spent much of my time leading up to Rogue One rewatching the movies, familiarizing myself with the non-film canon, and viewing endless hours of YouTube videos all in an attempt to learn more about the universe.
In the process, I heard many theories about what the events in Rogue One would mean. Now the important thing about these theories is that they were based on what the speculators thought would take place in the new movie. Now that the movie is here, we can put many of these theories to rest and begin speculating on others.
Here are the top five theories Rogue One puts to rest. I must warn you, if you have not seen the new movie, then you should stop reading now. This is going to be riddled with spoilers.

Spoiler Alert

1. The Plot Hole

I’ll start with the most obvious idea the new film removes from canon: the Death Star’s flaw was not an oversight by the Empire. For nearly 30 years, Star Wars fans and critics have pointed to the exhaust port on the Death Star as an incredibly convenient story device. All the rebels have to do it blow that up, and the battle station is no more. A New Hope shows us that it wasn’t that easy. But still, you think that the Empire would not have placed such a flaw in such an important weapon.

exhaust port
Of course, the answer is that the Empire would NOT have done that unless they had a saboteur in their mix. Enter Galen Erso.
It’s no surprise for anyone who watched the trailers leading to Rogue One to realize that the imprisoned scientist designed the battle station with this flaw in mind. We learned from Catalyst that Galen Erso was a pacifist and never wanted to help the Empire build weapons. Galen explains in the early part of the movie that he used his imperial imprisonment as a way to help bring down the Death Star from the inside.
So, even though it’s 30 years in the making, it’s good to know the reason behind the flaw in such a project.

2. Krennic’s Seat at the Table

We all remember the moment in A New Hope when a group of Imperial Officers sit around a table and talk about the stolen plans and the power of the Death Star. It’s in this scene when Vader force chokes a fool and says “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” We all remember the moment. What is easy to overlook is that there are empty chairs around the table. Now, it’s altogether likely, and probably, that these chairs were left empty to make the shot of Vader cleaner.

empty seat Star wars
But, as we all know, everything in the Star Wars Universe is done for a reason. The Empire would not use a room with too many chairs. It sounds like a stupid thing to say, after reading the majority of canon and non-canon literature, I know this to be true. So the question must be asked, who belonged in those chairs?
One theory I heard leading up to Rogue One was that one of the empty chairs was reserved for Krennic. Krennic, who lead the teams in developing and building the weapon the gives the Death Star its name, would have deservedly had a place at that table. But again, anyone who has seen the new film knows Krennic didn’t make it off Scarif.
So if the chair didn’t belong to Krennic, then who. My top contenders would be Grand Admiral Thrawn or Mas Amedda.

3. Rogue One becomes the Knights of Ren

This was one of the theories that I liked…until I saw Rogue One and realized it was not to be. In December of 20015, Pablo Hildalgo released Star Wars The Force Awakens: A Visual History. This book detailed who the members of the Knights of Ren are. It’s didn’t give their actual names or their back stories, but it gave them code names and talked about their powers.
The one holding a staff was a monk, a warrior equal to none other. The one with the big gun and large armor was Heavy, someone who could lay down some serious firepower. The book went through each member. A pilot. An explosives guy. A rogue.

Rogue One Rogue Sniper Rogue one
The theory was that the founding members of Rogue One were caught and turned to the dark side to serve as a mercenary group. Now, I want to point at that while this is still possible, it is very unlikely. Each member of the Rogue team is eventually killed, some in more heroic ways that others.

4. The Ghost Crew Dies

As a fan of Star Wars Rebels, I spent most of the movie looking for different hints that the Ghost crew was still alive. Actually, I was hoping I would see Hando Ohnaka somewhere in the fray after he went straight and joined the rebellion. While I don’t think we see Hando, I’ll have to watch it again to double check, we do see and hear various clues that tell us the Ghost crew is still alive and well…or at least some of them are.

I’ll start with the Ghost itself. We saw in one of the recent trailers a picture of the Ghost escorting a Corellian Corvette. It was just in the shot for a moment, but it was there. When you go see the movie again, and hopefully you’re reading this after you’ve already seen the movie, the Ghost shows up at least three times in epic space battle at the end of the movie. We don’t see who’s flying the ship, so that does leave some things still open.

Rogue One Ghost

The only visual cameo we get is that of Chopper. This plucky astromech is seen Yavin 4. As Senator Mon Mothma leaves the temple, a lower-ranking officer runs up to her. If you pay attention, you can see Chopper in the right-hand side of the screen.

The last reference to the Ghost crew may or may not actually be a reference at all. Still, on Yavin, there is a moment when over the intercom, General Syndulla is asked to report to one of the hangers. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean Hera. Remember, that Cham is and has been a member of a rebel force for a very long time. Additionally, at this point in the story, Hera is just the leader of the Phoenix Squadron.

It wouldn’t be a huge jump for her to be promoted to General. Han and Lando were both pilots that were promoted to general. I could see her being promoted quickly through the ranks if Commander Sato ever confronts Thrawn…which I think he will.

5. Jyn Erso is Rey’s Mom

Finally, we come to the most important debunked theory: Jyn Erso is Rey’s mom. Since The Force Awakens awoke last year, there has been much speculation as to who Rey’s parents are. And pretty much everyone but Yoda has had a rumor made about them. But give me some time and I can probably get something mixed up.
One of the front runners for Rey’s mother was Jyn Erso. The theory went as such: Jyn survives Rogue One, meets a young, impressionable farm boy. They make sweet, sweet Jedi love, 9 months later, out pops Rey.

jyn and rey
Here’s the thing: Jyn dies in the end. Did I say spoiler alert? Because that is a huge spoiler. Now, her death will leave some fans arguing that she may have survived the attack on Scarif, but I am an optimist and even I think she died.
So if Jyn is not Rey’s mom, who is? My money is still on a Sabine Wren/Ezra Bridger baby. Or hell, maybe Sabine hooks up with a young impressionable farm boy and 9 months later…force baby. Who knows? We’ll just have to wait until episode 8 comes out to hopefully get the answers we seek.
Did I miss anything? Where there any rumors that you noticed being squashed by the power of Rogue One? Leave a comment in the section below and let me know.