Predictions for Solo: A Star Wars Story

It’s been a long time coming but Solo: A Star Wars story is finally upon us. It’s gone from something to speculate about, to a rumor, to anxiously anticipated. And like all Star Wars movies, this one has been shrouded in secrecy. Little is known about the upcoming film, except from what the few trailers show us and what information we can pull from the new canon. Since there is precious little knowledge we can pull from the books, TV shows, movies, comics, and other stuff, I have to speculate wildly about what the new movie has in store. So here are my 3 predictions for Solo: A Star Wars Story.

What We Know

It’s no surprise that Solo: A Star Wars Story is an origin story. From what we know about the film, will show how Han meets Chewie, Lando, and the rest. It will also show his time in the Imperial Navy, how he takes possession of the Millennium Falcon, and essentially become the man we know him as in A New Hope. From interviews with the cast and director of the film, we know that it takes place about 10 years before the events of Episode 4. From early reviews of the film, it does sound like it sets up future films. This would support the rumors of this being made into a trilogy. Of course, whether or not we see more Solo films in the future will depend on how this one performs.

3 Possible Things We’ll See

1. Qi’ra will betray Han

This is a heist movie and with heist movies comes betrayal. We know from the trailers that Young Han is told to always be prepared for betrayal. If he always thinks someone will betray him, he will never be disappointed…or something like that. We know that Han and Qi’ra were childhood friends, possibly more than that. When they meet back up, something is hinted at sparking back up. But what happened to these two youngsters while they were apart?

Han joined the Imperial Navy, but what did Qi’ra do? I think that she joined with Han at the same time. But as he went to flight school, she went to work for the Imperial Security Bureau, or ISB. How else would she, a lowly street urchin from the backside of Correllea become the number two to a crime boss? In the book Last Shot, Han is pining over someone who seems to have broken his heart. It is my belief that Qi’ra works for the Empire and betrays Han. And what would be the antithesis of a poor girl who ends up working for the Empire? A Princess who ends up leading a rebellion to take it down.

It might be a long shot, but it’s possible.

2. Death in the Family

I think someone’s going to die. My money is on Woody Harellson. Star Wars is not a safe place for the old mentor type and that is what Harrelson’s character looks like to me. Now, this one will probably not turn out to be a force ghost in any future iterations. I could see a novel written where his backstory is explored more, but I think this Kenobi-esq smuggler is going to bite the big one before the end of the film.

3. The Sith will show up

What would a Star Wars movie be without at least a little Sith love? Nothing! Even Rogue One had a cameo by the Dark Lord of Pain himself. And wasn’t the best scene in the whole movie? I think that we will get a mention of the Sith, at the very least. We could even see the first on-screen example of the Inquisitors. At the time the movie takes place, Vader’s Inquisitors are running rampant across the galaxy, sneaking into windows, snatching up force sensitive babies. I don’t think that we will see the Grand Inquisitor himself, but it’s possible we could see one of his minions.

3 Possible Character Cameos

So, we already know that we are going to see R2-D2, C-3P0, and Warwick Davis. This isn’t a spoiler. R2 and 3P0 have been in every movie to date. Warwick Davis has also acted in pretty much every movie. These aren’t surprises. But, there is said to be a major cameo from a “recognizable” character. So who could that be? Speculation abounds, so I’ve broken who I think will show up in cameo into three types.

Darth Vader & Acolytes of the Beyond (Sith Fanboys)

I feel like Vader has to be at least talked about in this film. It’s possible that we could even see him when Han is still a mud trooper early in the movie. Could the actions of the Dark Lord of the Sith be the reason that Han wants to go AWOL and become a smuggler? It’s possible. And if Darth Vader shows up, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a few of the Acolytes of the Beyond too far behind.

The Acolytes of the Beyond are the Sith fanboys that have been showing up in a number of different areas. The first time we saw them was in one of the Interludes in the Aftermath novels. A group of Acolytes were attempting to buy a red lightsaber from a pawn broker on some backwater world. We also saw them in Rogue One in Vader’s castle on Mustafar and then again in the Battlefront 2.

Dr. Aphra & Other Comic Characters

So I don’t actually think Dr. Aphra will make an appearance in Solo, but I would love the see the spunky droid archaeologist. That being said, where Aphra is, BT and Triple Zero are not far behind and wouldn’t it be wonderful to see the murder droids just wreaking havoc on some unsuspecting group? Yes. Yes it would. Now, if we see Dr. Aphra, we could very easily see Black Krrsantan, the Wookiee bounty hunter/scoundrel who seems to have a been with Chewbacca. I know that we are going to see more Wookiees in this film, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we will see BK. However, he would be a welcome addition to this, or any live action movie.

Phoenix Crew & Rebels Toons

This film should overlap the events of Star Wars Rebels. If that’s the case, then it’s possible we could see a number of cameos from the recently ended cartoon show. We may not see the likes of Ezra Bridge or Grand Admiral Thrawn. We did hear Hera’s name in Rogue One and watched as Chopper rolled across the base. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a fancy Mandalorian in pretty armor or even a kid calling himself Jabba. It’s possible. Really, the smuggler I want to see most of all is Hando Ohnaka.

What do you think of my predictions for Solo: A Star Wars Story? I will do a follow up video to this and link it below to rate myself at how close I got.