Agents of SHIELD Recap S4 E14 “The Man Behind the Shield” (Spoilers Ahead)

In this week’s episode, Coulson and the team embark on a deadly mission as they try desperately to rescue director Mace, who is fighting for his life.

Important Things to Know Going Into This Week’s Episode

Last week was a pretty solid filler episode, that set up important themes moving forward. Obviously Mace being kidnapped by the Watchdogs was the biggest moment, and it is clearly going to be the biggest moment in terms of this coming episode.

Meanwhile, Radcliffe was reunited with Agnes (The inspiration for Aida), and is still working closely with the Watchdogs, and holding May hostage. This is going to be the bigger moment for the rest of the season.

The Biggest Moments In This Week’s Episode (SPOILERS!)

1. Virtual Reality Fighting:

I like that the team takes time to figure out what is happening to May. Yes, it is only the intro to the episode, but it shows that they are going to do whatever it takes to get her back. Later, when Mack tries out the simulation, the episode reaches a very tense moment that is rare for the show. Mack has a point about certain science being dangerous. Fitz also has a point about needing to pursue science without worrying about the possibility of a negative outcome. When you are as close to the issues, as these two are, naturally disagreements won’t go by easily. This does lead Fitz to finding some important clues in the base though.

2. The Wall of Coulson:

Ivanov left a scavenger-hunt style game for Coulson to figure out. Clearly the intent is to lead him into a trap, but Coulson doesn’t seem to be worried about it. The main question is how much he is actually fighting against inhumans, and how much he is just doing whatever it takes to get to Coulson. As it is, the episode takes Coulson on the team to Alaska, then to Russia. There, Ivanov explains to him that he is seeking revenge for when Coulson had his unit of men killed years before. Finally, they end up in Ivanov’s base. Coulson learns that Ivanov’s men were killed because they didn’t retrieve the item (an 0-8-4) that Coulson and May had retrieved. Coulson reveals that he doesn’t even remember what that item was. Finally, Daisy comes in, and she kicks some serious ass.

3. Mace’s Imprisonment:

Ivanov wants to show beat Mace, and he wants to do it physically, mentally, emotionally, and every other way in between. His will and ability to survive is enough to make him likable, even if others wouldn’t have believed that before this episode. Luckily, Mack and Coulson find Mace just in time. At least, that’s the way it seems.

Ryan’s Speculation of the week:

I wish I could say that I expected more LMDs, I really do. I mean, they’re marketing this half of the season with “LMD”. Sadly, I didn’t see it coming. Even if I had, though, there is no way it should have been expected that Mace, Mack, Coulson, and Daisy would all be replaced. Now that Coulson has activated May as well, Fitz and Simmons will have to figure out how to isolate and stop 5 LMDs without getting figured out. Also, how are they going to get everyone back with nobody to fight? Agents of Shield is either going to have some amazing guest stars soon, to help save the day, or Fitz and Simmons are going to develop some incredible abilities really quickly.


Agents of SHIELD airs on ABC on Tuesdays. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this episode.