Agents of SHIELD Recap S4 E07 “Deals with Our Devils” (Spoilers Ahead)

In this week’s episode, the team has lost half of it’s members. This leaves the rest of the team to try to find them while Robbie fights against the clock.

Important Things to Know Going Into This Week’s Episode

Before the break, we saw a lot of huge pieces of information. We saw how Robbie got the Ghost Rider powers (and I totally missed the possibility that it was Johnny Blaze who showed up and gave him the powers). Director Mace revealed to the world that he’s inhuman. Mace found Robbie and Daisy despite Coulson and Mack hiding them. Robbie finished off the ghosts. Eli went into the machine and activated it, potentially turning some of the characters on the show into ghosts. All of that and more could become very important to watch in the coming weeks.

The Biggest Moments in this Week’s Episode (SPOILERS!)

1. Eli’s New Powers:

Eli is now able to create matter. AND he can do it in a way that can kill people instantly, block people’s movements, and who knows what else. The act that gave him his powers, though, also put Coulson, Robbie, and Fitz into an altered state. Not to mention, it also led to the Ghost Rider curse transferring from Robbie to Mack.

2. Missing Team Members:

It appears that Coulson, Fitz, and Robbie are gone. As we saw toward the end of the last episode, they were all hit by the blast. There is a possibility that they are still alive, but they definitely aren’t in a normal state. Simmons is away investigating the person we saw frozen in a terra genesis cocoon earlier this season. I love that Mack decided to stick around and look for answers rather than following orders. Mace doesn’t necessarily seem like a bad guy, but he doesn’t understand the need for Mack to figure this all out.

3. The Terragenesis Cocoon:

I love that Simmons was able to calm the person in the cocoon. We saw earlier that this person is connected to people who hate inhumans, so there’s a possibility that he is reacting to that nervousness by not completing his transition. I hate that Simmons was pulled away before she was able to learn who he was, but it will definitely open up the possibility that the war between inhumans and Watchdog will get even bigger. Especially when different government agencies start getting pulled in other directions.

4. Ada:

I love that she was the answer. She was able to decipher information from the Darkhold, then she was able to create the portal that saved the lives of Coulson and Fitz. I don’t think this will make people any more likely to trust an android, especially in the MCU aftermath of Ultron. Unfortunately, though, it looks like the Darkhold actually did affect her.

Ryan’s Speculation of the week:

Mack is going to play a huge part in stopping Eli. This feels like a cop-out prediction because Robbie did ask Mack to help him, but I think it’s more than that. Being affected by Ghost Rider is going to have lasting effects, I think. Mack is not going to be himself until this issue is resolved one way or another.

Agents of SHIELD airs on ABC on Tuesdays. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this episode.