Recap of The Flash S3 E13-14 Event “Gorilla City”

When Earth-2 Harrison Wells is abducted by Grodd, and taken to Gorilla City, Barry and the team go to rescue him. The conflict soon spills back over to Earth-1 and Central City.

Important Things to Know For This Event:

There was some mention of Grodd early in the series. Eobard Thawn had created him when he was masquerading as Harrison Wells. He caused some problems for Barry and the team, but he mostly was just a character that got mentioned occasionally. I don’t know if the Grodd we will be seeing is a different, Earth-2 version, or if Grodd from Earth-1 somehow ended up on Earth-2 (stranger things have happened). We should also keep in mind that this event marks the return of Harrison and Jesse Wells from Earth-2. Jesse and Wally have the potential to be love interests, except they live in different dimensions. Jesse is a speedster, and could theoretically match well with Barry and Wally.

The Biggest Moments of “Gorilla City”: (Spoilers Ahead)

“Attack on Gorilla City”

Gorilla City sounds awful. I do remember now that Barry and the team sent Grodd to Earth-2. I also feel really bad for Jesse. Seeing HR seems really uncomfortable for her. Speaking of that, though, I’m not sure how that works. Team Flash can only recognize HR because he used his facial recognition thing to allow them to recognize him. Maybe it only affects people from Earth-1, though. After all, the bounty hunter from a few weeks back was able to recognize him. But that’s off topic…

I love that Julian is becoming a bigger part of the team. Early in the season, I never would have imagined him going on an inter-dimensional mission with the team. A part of me does think that he’s just trying to get closer to Caitlin and see the “Planet of the Apes”. Grodd’s plan to overthrow Solovar is interesting, but it’s also not believable. Even with a win, and even if Grodd takes over, it’s unrealistic to expect Grodd to not go to Earth-1, as he originally planned. Of course, it was all a part of Grodd’s plan. He intends to attack Central City, and he used Barry to make that happen. The team thinks quickly to try to thwart the plan, but, of course, it doesn’t work.

The dynamic between Wally and Jesse is interesting to watch. It would make sense that she is just struggling with her dad being gone, but she seems to be specifically upset with Wally. Everything he does seems to annoy her. The fact that it ends up relating to unrequited romantic feelings is expected, but still interesting to watch. I personally think Wally and Jesse make more sense as a couple than Barry and Iris, so I hope they can find a way to make it work. Maybe HR’s speech about love will help Jesse decide to move forward with it.

“Attack on Central City”

The Valentine’s theme early on is cheesy, but also fun to watch. Supergirl and Arrow let the Valentine’s stories drag on and cover more of the episode than they should have, but The Flash is able to avoid that. They do play the romance storylines with Barry and Iris, Wally and Jesse, and Cisco and Gypsy, but they do it in a way that matches well with the rest of the story being told.

Grodd is terrifying, I don’t know anybody who wouldn’t say that about a telepathic gorilla. Having a whole army of them to deal with, however, sounds like a nightmare. Even with 3 speedsters and Cisco, this does not seem like a reasonable attack. I had a feeling from early on, that Caitlin would have to step in to help.

I will say that I didn’t anticipate Barry and the team to have to deal with Nuclear weapons. Grodd seemed like the type to go for an all out assault from the beginning. Granted, Grodd is a genius, so it makes sense that he would go for an intellectual solution. Bringing Solovar in for the actual fight against Grodd makes a lot of sense. There is no way the team would have been able to beat a whole army of Gorillas. Having Grodd lose favor, and sending the army back to Earth-2 with Solovar makes sense. Maybe I like it because it’s fun to watch them outsmart their opponents, though.

My Predictions:

Two things: First is that Grodd being with Argus is going to come back to bite people in the ass. It’s bound to happen. Every villain that has been taken by Argus has ended up causing trouble somewhere along the line.

The second thing is a big one. They are doing everything they can to change the future in order to save Iris, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. I’m not necessarily saying that Iris will die at the end of this season, although I’m not ruling out that possibility. I do think that they are going to have to deal with Savitar attacking Iris whether they change all of the news headlines or not.  Wally seeing Savitar at the end of the episode was definitely a bad sign as well.


Watch “The Flash” on Tuesdays on the CW.