DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Recap S2 E04 “Abominations” (Spoilers Ahead)

In this week’s episode, the legends find themselves fighting for survival during the Civil War. They head to 186 in order to solve a time aberration. While there, they fight zombie confederate soldiers. When the outcome of the Civil War is in danger, Jax and Amaya (Vixen) go to a slave plantation to try to save the day. Sara struggles with the weight of being the team leader, and Ray tries to find a new place on the team.

Important Things to Know Going Into This Week’s Episode

Jax and Stein recently found a message from future Barry Allen. It seems like something serious is going on, and, eventually, they’re going to have to act on that message. Until that point, we’ll have to wait and see what the team’s development will look like, and how they could play a part in a crossover with The Flash.

Amaya is sticking around the team in the interest of capturing Rex Tyler’s killer. I like that she is there, I think her presence definitely adds something, but I think she needs to assimilate more. Until she gets on the same page as the team, there is bound to be trouble between her and the team.

I have essentially given up hope that Rip Hunter will show up again. He is still listed on the billing for every episode, but it really doesn’t seem like he is actually a part of the show anymore. Maybe they’ll eventually start looking for him seriously, but, until that point, I won’t hold my breath.

The Biggest Moments In This Week’s Episode (SPOILERS!)

1. Zombies:

I was worried about this when watching promos for the episode. I think they handled it really well. They incorporated the zombie plot without letting it take over the episode too much or being too overly cheesy and Halloween-ish. I also really enjoyed the subplot of Mick potentially getting affected. He was already incredibly powerful, being the equivalent of a zombie would make him almost unstoppable, so it was really lucky that Ray was able to come up with a cure.

2. Jax and Amaya:

Stein’s hesitance to have Jax out there during the Civil War, with slavery and everything going on, made a lot of sense, but, after the zombies created a time aberration, there really wasn’t much of a choice. Neither of these characters seems to be able to easily set aside their feelings, but they needed to, in order to achieve their objective. It was also a really awesome moment as Jax was able to pass on knowledge to Amaya and help her realize the importance of not changing the past.

3. Very real racism:

Jax has experienced various forms of racism in his journeys with the legends. The episode set in the 50’s last season was particularly significant, and it definitely made me uncomfortable. This episode brings a whole other level of racism to Jax’ life. I think this was a significant moment for him as he realized that, as bad as things have been for him before, being seen and treated as property takes it to a completely different level. It was this realization that made him decide that he needed to do whatever he can to help the slaves he met.

4. The 1st Big Bind

Since Sara took over as the team leader, she hasn’t had to deal with a moment that everything seemed hopeless. When this happened to Stein, he cracked under the pressure, and was no longer able to effectively lead, thus putting Sara in charge. It was in this seemingly hopeless moment that she truly had to find a way, and she stepped up well. The Nitroglycerin plan was a long shot, and she’s lucky it worked. The fact that it was able to give her the confidence she needed as a leader really was just a huge bonus.

5. Stein faces his fears:

Stein having such a strong fear of zombies was strange, but it made for an awesome scene as he ventured through the ship knowing that zombie-Mick was out there ready to attack. It was a big moment for Stein, which is considerable because shows often have trouble finding ways to show legitimate character development in their more elderly characters.

Ryan’s Speculation of the week:

The message from Barry Allen could have something to do with helping Amaya catch Eobard Thawn (Reverse Flash). We all know that Thawn killed Rex Tyler. Fans of The Flash also know that Thawn is from a period of the future when Barry Allen is older. Maybe the message that Jax and Stein found will lead to the team going to a time period where Thawn is causing trouble. That would be a very interesting way to tie together those two story-lines.

Legends of Tomorrow airs on The CW on Thursdays. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this episode.