Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Recap S4 E03 “Uprising” (Spoilers Ahead)

In this week’s episode, Uprising, we see the S.H.I.EL.D. Agents as well as Quake and Ghost Rider deal with the effects of multiple blackouts when an insurgent group decides to attack multiple cities.

Important Things to Know Going Into This Week’s Episode

1. Quake & Ghost Rider:

At the end of the last episode, they seemingly teamed up. I had a feeling this would happen. I doubt that it will help S.H.I.E.L.D. feel any better about Quake, though.

2. Mack found out about Yo-Yo:

Mack found out that Yo-Yo has been helping Quake. He clearly wasn’t happy about that I half hope that we’ll see something come up with that tonight.

3. Radcliffe’s synthetic human:

I was really disappointed nothing came of this in episode 2. I think it will easily be one of the best story lines this season. Hopefully, we see some cool stuff in this episode.

The Biggest Moments in this weeks episode (SPOILERS!)

1. Radcliffe actually did a good job.

His AI seems to be working phenomenally well. Hopefully S.H.I.E.L.D. won’t freak out as much as I initially anticipated when they learn about this odd experiment.

2. What is going on with May?

Seeing Radcliffe and Simmons working together to save her was interesting, but the main idea is that May is going through something completely unique. Past seasons of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have introduced new, strange, and impossible conditions, and I would expect that this is the same. Crippling fear is a very strange way to go, though. How many more people are going to have to deal with this one? Regardless of the answer, they can’t kill all of these people every time to save them.

3. Mack and Coulson could not have been more awesome!

When they showed up to save Yo-Yo in Miami, it was one of the coolest fight scenes we’ve seen throughout the entire show. Those two can be on my side in a brawl anytime!

4. The Watchdogs

The blackouts aren’t being cause by an inhuman group at all. The Watchdogs are targeting inhumans, and the blackouts are only happening in cities where known inhumans are located.

5. Maybe the director isn’t as bad as I thought.

He genuinely seemed hesitant to send in troops to end these attacks, despite the wishes of the President. Maybe that’s because he is an inhuman, or maybe it’s because I was wrong, and he’s actually a good guy. Either way, it was a nice moment to see him trust Coulson’s team to be able to figure out the problem.

Ryan’s Random Thought:

It’s strange to see the negative reactions of Yo-Yo’s friends when they realize she is inhuman, but would you expect anything even remotely different if it happened in real life? I definitely think that it put things into perspective for me when I really considered how people in my life would react if this happened to me. It’s not really a major plot point, but it’s definitely fun to think about.

Agents of S.H.I.E.LD.  airs on ABC on Tuesdays. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this episode.