Agents of SHIELD Recap S4 E16 “What If…” (Spoilers Ahead)

When Daisy and Simmons go into the alternate reality to fix their reality, they find a world where Hydra is in charge, and everything is absolutely crazy. They may be the only hope in saving this new world.

Important Things to Know Going Into This Week’s Episode

This will be the third phase of this season of Agents of SHIELD. After a ghostly first phase, and dealing with LMDs in the second, they, of course, have to deal with something even worse. The way that this alternate world, created by Ada and Radcliffe, works will be awesome to watch.

The Biggest Moments in this Week’s episode (SPOILERS!)

1. Hail Hydra!

Not only has Hydra taken over operations of the world in this reality, but Daisy (as Skye), Ward (Skye’s boyfriend), and May all work for Hydra, and are fighting to end all inhuman life. This leads to Daisy interrogating Vijay, when he is caught smuggling things for Inhumans.

Meanwhile, Simmons comes back from the dead, as this version of her was actually killed in an extermination of recruits at the SHIELD science center. She bounces around and tries to outrun Hydra, as she doesn’t have identification.

For Daisy, things come to a T when she runs into “The Scientist”, a leader of Hydra, who just happens to be Fitz.

2. The Anti-Inhuman Agenda:

Not only is Hydra against Inhumans, everybody is. When we see this version of Coulson, he is a teacher spouting pro-Hydra and anti-Inhuman propaganda. He even allows Hydra to take students out of his class. Presumably, this child is Inhuman, and he will be tortured/imprisoned or killed by Hydra. Very similar to the way the Nazis did things during the Holocaust. It’s very fitting that a guest star on this episode insists on calling Hydra “Nazis”.

We even see Fitz torture Vijay before May comes in to report that Coulson has turned in Simmons. This does have the plus side of sending Daisy on the path to find Simmons.

3. The Resistance:

There is a group in this world determined to fight against Hydra. After finding Simmons, Daisy learns that Ward is actually a member of this group. After learning that they won’t be able to exit this world, the Resistance is going to central to them achieving their goals. Convincing the others of the truth won’t be easy though.

The ending of this episode also reveals that Ada is the director of Hydra in this world. This means that the whole battle will be even harder.

Coulson recognizing Daisy, at the end of the episode, is extremely important. Having his help and support may be exactly what Daisy and Simmons need to begin working through this.

Ryan’s Speculation of the week:

I think Mack is going to be the next target for the team. May and Fitz are too tied up in Hydra to make that move just now. The really interesting thought is where Mack will be and what he will be doing. My guess is that he is either a highly ranked official in the resistance, or he is going to be the literal polar opposite of the Mack we already know.

Agents of SHIELD airs on ABC on Tuesdays. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this episode.